


Jira Integration

JQL queries

Service Scheduler will attach appointment information to the Jira issue, using Issue Properties.

Appointment.start <= -3d

Available JQL options are Appointment.start and Appointment.end.

The appointment start time is exposed as a read-only custom field called Appointment start which can also be used for JQL queries as well as displayed as a JQL result column.

Getting Appointment information with the Jira API

Issue Properties

Service Scheduler with attach appointment information to the Jira issue, using Issue Properties. Using Jira's REST API you can fetch information about the scheduled appointment by querying for the issue properties.

Using the get issue properties API with the property key servicescheduler.appointment-infoyou can see the appointment start time, end time and appointment ID.

GET https://{instance-name}.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/{issue-id-or-key}/properties/servicescheduler.appointment-info
{ "key":"servicescheduler.appointment-info", "value":{ "id":"4cf48a055bd44a8aab8c94ba11fe5ec8", "start":"2023-11-19T17:00:00Z", "end":"2023-11-19T17:10:00Z" }

Issue properties are also visible on the Jira issue when using the Jira REST API to get issue information with either the properties=*all or properties=servicescheduler.appointment-infoparameters. See the get issue API for more information.

Jira Automation

Because Service Scheduler exposes the appointment start and end times as a custom fields Appointment start and Appointment end, these fields can be used to trigger Jira Automation.